Yemen is a country most widely known for its fantastic architecture, breathtaking landscapes, Socotra Island, friendly people, and the most recent civil war. I present some interesting facts and curiosities about Yemen, a country located in the Arabian Peninsula. I had the opportunity to visit Yemen once, and I will definitely go again in the near future. See now 10 curiosities about Yemen and learn a little more about the habits and customs of the country.

- The country’s capital and the most populous city is Sanaa.
- Yemen’s official language is Arabic, and the currency is the Yemeni Rial.
- Yemen is home to Shibam, the oldest skyscraper city in the world.
- Yemen is bordered by Saudi Arabia and Oman.
- Yemen is the 49th largest territory in the world, with an area comparable to that of France.
- Some parts of the country are severely affected by the war, while others in the eastern provinces such as Hadramaut and Al-Mahrah are currently more or less safe to visit.
- Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Middle East.
- Christianity arrived in Yemen in the 4th century, while Judaism and Paganism were already established there. Islam arrived in Yemen in the 7th century.
- Yemen is an extremely culturally rich country, influenced by the ancient civilization of Sheba.
- Among the most important islands in Yemen are Hanish, Kamaran, Perim (Red Sea), and Socotra Islands (Arabian Sea).
- Yemen’s economy is based on the extraction of oil and the commercialization of coffee, cotton, and fish.
- The national flag of Yemen was adopted on May 22, 1990, the same day as the unification of North Yemen and South Yemen.
- Between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is Socotra, an archipelago that is home to rare biological curiosities.
- In the past, Yemen was known as the ” Happy Land “.
- Chewing the narcotic Khat plant is part of Yemeni culture.
- The name of the “Moca” type of coffee is derived from Yemen, as Mocha is a city located on the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Between the 15th and 17th centuries, Moca was the most important coffee market in the world.
- The capital of Yemen is one of the oldest cities in the world continuously inhabited.
- The Dragon Tree, also known as the dragon’s blood tree, grows in Yemen.
- The largest contiguous sand desert in the world covers parts of Yemen.
- Dar al-Hajar is an iconic building in Yemen, carved out of one massive rock.
- You can travel to Yemen with my adventure tour operator RJ Travel. Check out our personalized tours in Yemen.
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