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Ecuador UNESCO has registered 5 sites on the World Heritage list and 5 on the tentative list.
Some places are so interesting that it’s relevant to keep them for future generations. This is why UNESCO has built a list of crucial classified properties in which superb places stand out for their aesthetic, natural, artistic, or cultural significance.
More than a thousand places are registered as Unesco’s World Heritage worldwide. Due to my interest in visiting World Heritage sites, I compiled the UNESCO list in Ecuador and the corresponding map.
Ecuador UNESCO list
- City of Quito
- Historic Centre of Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca
- Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System
- Galápagos Islands
- Sangay National Park
Ecuador UNESCO Map
Click on the blue pins to view more relevant information about each World Heritage site in Ecuador.
- City of Quito: A cultural landscape in the Andean Mountains featuring a historic urban center renowned for its unique blend of Spanish colonial and indigenous architectural styles and cultural heritage associated with the region’s history and traditions.
- Historic Centre of Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca: A cultural landscape in southern Ecuador featuring a well-preserved historic urban center with unique colonial and republican-era architecture and cultural heritage associated with the indigenous and mestizo communities of the region.
- Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System: A vast network of roads and trails spanning six countries in the Andean region, featuring diverse natural and cultural heritage associated with the Inca Empire and Andean cultures.
- Galápagos Islands: A unique natural landscape located in the Pacific Ocean, featuring diverse and endemic flora and fauna species, and cultural heritage associated with the exploration and scientific study of the region by Charles Darwin and other scientists.
- Sangay National Park: A protected area in the Andean Mountains featuring diverse ecosystems and cultural heritage associated with the indigenous communities who inhabit the region and the history of the Inca Empire and Spanish colonialism.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ecuador have protected places for their cultural and natural importance.
Sites on the Tentative List
- Parque Nacional Machalilla
- Bosque petrificado de Puyango
- Zaruma ciudad minera
- Cultural Itinerary of Ecuador’s Trans-Andean Train
- Mayo Chinchipe – Marañón archaeological landscape