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Ireland UNESCO has registered 2 sites on the World Heritage list and 3 on the tentative list.
Some places are so interesting that it’s relevant to keep them for future generations. This is why UNESCO has built a list of crucial classified properties in which superb places stand out for their aesthetic, natural, artistic, or cultural significance.
More than a thousand places are registered as Unesco’s World Heritage worldwide. Due to my interest in visiting World Heritage sites, I compiled the UNESCO list in Ireland and the corresponding map.
Ireland UNESCO list
- Brú na Bóinne – Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne
- Sceilg Mhichíl
Ireland UNESCO Map
Click on the blue pins to view more relevant information about each World Heritage site in Ireland.
- Brú na Bóinne – Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne: is an archaeological site in County Meath, Ireland. It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its well-preserved prehistoric monuments, including the passage tombs of Newgrange, Knowth, and Dowth.
- Sceilg Mhichíl: also known as Skellig Michael, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site off Ireland’s southwestern coast. It is known for its well-preserved early Christian monastery, built on the island in the 6th to 8th centuries. The monastery is known for its unique setting and well-preserved stone structures, including beehive-shaped huts and a stone church.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ireland have protected places for their cultural and natural importance.
Sites on the Tentative List
- The Royal Sites of Ireland: Cashel, Dún Ailinne, Hill of Uisneach, Rathcroghan Complex, and Tara Complex
- Transatlantic Cable Ensemble
- The Passage Tomb Landscape of County Sligo