Arabic tattoos are definitively in fashion in the world of the famous. Movie stars, sportsmen, singers and celebrities – check who already have Arabic tattoo.
Arabic writing is exceptionally unique and very mysterious. Everyone will recognize those twists and turns, but just few will know what it means.
Arabic calligraphy is the art of handwriting, making tattoos looking very elegant and spacial.
Do you want to learn more about the meaning behind celebrity tattoos?
Have a look at the most famous Arabic tattoos.
Angelina Jolie’s Arabic Tattoo
Angelina made her Arabic tattoo in 2009. It is located on her right arm and covers up the abstract lines tattoo made while she was with Billy Bob Thornton. This Arabic inscription العزيمة (pronounced: al-‘azeema) means “Determination”.
Rihanna’s Arabic Tattoo
Rihanna’s Arabic tattoo was inked by an unknown tattoo artist in 2008. Her Arabic tattoo is secretly located on her left rib cage area. This Arabic phrase الحرية في المسيح(pronounced: Al-Hurria fi Al-Maseeh) translates as “Freedom in God” or “Freedom in Christ”.
Colin Farrell’s Arabic Tattoo
Colin Farrell has 2 Arabic tattoos. One is on the wrist and says الحرية (pronounced: al-hurriya), which means “freedom”. The other one is on his back.

Zoe Kravitz’s Arabic Tattoo
The Arabic tattoo meaning is “Let Love Rule” and is the title of one of her dad’s songs. Insription is pronounced as ‘da’a al-Hubb al-qa’ada’. Unfortunatelly for Zoe this Arabic tattoo is not quite grammatically correct and was probably translated in google. The word ‘rule’ is a noun here, intead of a verb, and means rather ‘the base’.
Zlatan Ibrahimović’s Arabic Tattoo
Former FC Barcelona player Zlatan Ibrahimović is a huge fan of tattoos. He has an Arabic tattoo located on the back of his right arm. Is the family name Ibrahimović written in Arabic script.
Zayn Malik’s Arabic Tattoo
Zayn Malik is a star of popular band One Direction. He is a huge fun of inking. Have 29 tattooes alltogether and two of them are written in Arabic script.
First of them is located on the right side of his chest and is his grandfather name “Walter” in Arabic. He made it in December 2010 and it was the very first of Zayn Malik’s tattoos.
Other one, added in April 2012, is inked across his left collarbone. It is a quotation in Arabic “Be True to Who You Are”.
Arabic language has a special meaning to Zayn Malik as his father is a Pakistani immigrant and Zayn himself was raised as a Muslim.

Kym Marsh’s’ Arabic Tattoo
Another fan of Arabic tattoos is Kym Marsh, British actress known from UK soap opera Coronation Street. Recently she got tattoo on her left arm – her two children names in Arabic calligraphy, David and Emily.
Christina Perri’s Arabic Tattoo
Christina Perri is one of the most tattooed female singer, having around 50 tattoos. And all of that being only 25 years old.
She has an Arabic tattoo on her left forearm. It says “maktub” which is an arabic word meaning “it is written” or “destiny”, after reading the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. She explained: “Because everything is pre-ordained by God“.
Zoe Saldana’s Arabic Tattoo
Zoe saldana is known from movies like Star Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean and Avatar. She has 2 Arabic tattoos, but apparently of poor translate as they don’t make sense.
Tattoo on her left rib cage is in Arabic, and tattoo on her right foot is in Farsi language, which also use Arabic script.

Michael Clarke’s Arabic Tattoo
Australian cricketer Michael Clarke has an Arabic tattoo on his left arm. There was a lot of discussion about his exotic writing tattoo due to its poor translation. Arabic phrase ألم الإنضباط هو شيء مثل الألم من خيبة الأمل is translated as “The pain of discipline is something similar to the pain of disappointment”, while it supposed to be “The pain of discipline is nothing like the pain of disappointment.”
Eva Gonzalez’s Arabic Tattoo
Eva Gonzalez is a Spanish born model. She got an Arabic tattoo on her left foot, it sazs her name in Arabic script.
Marjorie Estiano’s Arabic Tattoo
Marjorie Estiano is a Brazilian actress and singer.